Friday, May 28, 2010

On Connections...

What connects us all?

Why did I invite you?

I have invited you {yes you!} because you have; touched my heart, made my soul soar, made me laugh out loud with raucous bliss, made me cry with pure joy and made my world just a little bit happier.

Because you have; inspired me with your gorgeous work, your creative spirit, your through the lens look at the world, made my draw my breath in fast and whisper “I wish I’d thought of that” and you have made me want to be a better scrapper, photographer, painter and writer.

We are all connected……….age, social position, money (or lack thereof), religion, relationship status matters not - we are all women, creators, thinkers, dreamers. We are all mothers, carers, lovers, friends and daughters and we are all at the heart of it creative souls.

Most of all, we are artists who dare to dream, who love to create and who want to be inspired…………

Will you say yes and agree to join me on this journey?

What connects you?

1 comment:

  1. What connects me... I would have to say the years and years of laughing n crying with you girls. It is an amazing power the internet which has brought us all together. Finding a forum with such wonderful ladies that I am so happy to say are my very good friends. To see you in the street I am happy to know I could walk up give you a hug and catch up on all the times in a small moment :)
    Thank you for the invitation to share this retreat with you all. And I so can't wait for next year when I get to see you all soon.
    Luv Linda
